AUTOM8N-4.10-27 and Nginx 1.17.8-3 now available

  • February 20, 2020 by Anoop Alias

AUTOM8N-4.10-27 and Nginx 1.17.8-3 now available in the yum repository

Upgrade Instructions



yum --enablerepo=ndeploy upgrade *nDeploy*


nginx -t  && service nginx restart


# Do on master

yum -y --enablerepo=ndeploy upgrade *nDeploy*

ansible -i /opt/nDeploy/conf/nDeploy-cluster/hosts ndeployslaves -a "yum -y --enablerepo=ndeploy upgrade *nDeploy*"


nginx -t  && service nginx restart

ansible -i /opt/nDeploy/conf/nDeploy-cluster/hosts ndeployslaves -a "nginx -t  && service nginx restart"

cd /opt/nDeploy/conf/nDeploy-cluster

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts cluster.yml

Nginx Changes


nginx-1.17.8 mainline version based

TLS 1.1 support removed

Autom8n (nDeploy) changes


Improvements in UI and UX

added ability for cPanel users to  manually sync files in autom8n cluster

various other improvements

CREDITS (Open Source Contributors)

