XtendWeb-4.6-19 and nginx-1.15.4-1 now available

  • September 26, 2018 by Anoop Alias


XtendWeb-4.6-19 and nginx-1.15.4-1 now available on the yum repository

Upgrade instruction





1. BUGFIX -  fix a bug in nginx reload post stats processing on CentOS6/CloudLinux6

2. IMPROVE - php location handling in templates 

3. BUGFIX - proxy subdomain redirect handling 

4. ddos_mitigation - the per domain level ddos mitigation if enabled was affecting genuine requests also causing the option to not work with most websites. This is now fixed with optimal levels of limit_req/connections to just filter out ddos requests

5. UPSTREAM - use nginx 1.15.4 mainline from upstream 


If you have a managed service with us the upgrade is already completed or scheduled 

Thank you,